Comments on: Is TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, or CLEAR the Best Way to Skip Airport Security Lines? TRAVEL CREDIT CARDS, DEALS, TIPS, DESTINATIONS AND MORE! Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:09:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnny Jet Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:09:45 +0000 In reply to Lee Kilbourn.


By: Lee Kilbourn Thu, 14 Dec 2023 21:36:49 +0000 Johnny,
I have TSA precheck and it works great.
So if I switch to Gobal I no longer have to pay my renew with precheck .
Two for the price of one?

By: Helen S Sat, 28 May 2022 17:57:15 +0000 Hi Johnny,
Thanks for all this information.
My husband and I obtained TSA precheck within the last 6 months. We now want to start travel internationally. Do we have to get a separate global entry with the additional TSA pre-check?

By: Johnny Jet Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:19:56 +0000 In reply to Lee Venturini.

Hi! For MIA you have to find the right checkpoints. They do have a CLEAR station but not a lot. It’s a mess unless you do your research or ask around.

By: Lee Venturini Thu, 28 Apr 2022 15:03:32 +0000 Hi Johnny,
I have Global Entry and thus the Tsa precheck along with it, which is absolutely great for entering int the US from international locations (Global Entry) , and traveling within the US on domestic flights.(tsa precheck=
In all the articles I read, the task of exiting the US is not considered. Global Entry does not help you exit the US nor do many airlines acknowledge the tsa precheck for international flight security.
The only sure thing is to have Clear which will get you through security faster and to the head of the sometimes long lines.
Again, it should also be mentioned that some airports have changed their security checks, i.e Miami airport in the internations departure halls, and the last time I flew out of the US , in December of 2021, everyone was lumped together and none of the above were acknowledged.
Hopefully that has changed, and I will know when I travel back to Europe at the end of May. If you have any info regarding that, it would be greatly appreciated!
thanks for now!!

By: Johnny Jet Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:11:03 +0000 In reply to Daniele.

I’m half Italian but sadly Italian Citizens aren’t eligible

By: Daniele Mon, 25 Apr 2022 17:35:54 +0000 Great Article, Thanks!I’m Italian and my question is:which one is available for not US citizens ??
What I know , at the moment, Clear is not available but what about the others ??
Thank you!!

By: James Wed, 23 Oct 2019 19:53:55 +0000 I did Global Entry, and at least at my arrival airport this October, there was a long line. They had a bunch of kiosks, which requested my fingerprint, and photo.

When it wants to take your photo, take your glasses off, so your face matches your passport. This part was painless.

However, there was only one person at the desk, so it was a 10 minute wait as aircrew and others queued up to be spoken to, and hand over their receipt.

Also, there were no instructions, and only one line, for both the kiosks and to get out of the GE area. Good idea, badly implemented.

It was still 15 minutes faster than my companion, but it’s not “walk in, get scanned, walk out.”

By: Dave Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:25:24 +0000 Mobile Passport isn’t such a great app any more. They started charging a fee to get pretty important functionality out of it, and several locations aren’t accepting it now. Buyer beware.

By: Stephanie Sat, 31 Aug 2019 13:14:27 +0000 Great article, thanks! I was going to get precheck, but after reading, I’m going to do Global.

Oh, the American Airlines AAdvantage MasterCard also reimburses for precheck.
